Author: vision gazer

View-Deck of the Wonderful New World to Come

Daily We Sin by Mis-Using God’s Name: How? Now Explained!

NEW END-TIME UNDERSTANDING: Never said this way before! Have we not been for so long “taking the name of God in vain?” How? By attaching His Name to our meaningless worldly pursuits! This is new updated end-time understanding!   IS GOD HIS NAME? In reality, God has a specific name but doesn’t reveal out of…
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Why Paul’s Prayer Not Granted by God: Now Clarified

God does not generally answer prayers of humans including His own servants! The workers of God shall only act when inspired, not to be influenced by their preferences! GOD PREFERRED PAUL REMAIN SICK Did you know that Paul’s plan to promote God was disapproved by God Himself despite godly intentions? We cannot calculate God. God…
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Paul, a Man of Prominence Yet Lived Lowly Life: Something to Reckon With Today

Paul was a spiritual planter who, after establishing many assemblies in various areas (1 Cor 3:6), retreated humbly into tent-making “for a living” (Acts 18:3). It’s wonderful thing that Paul never group his believers into one conglomeration of denominations by appointing himself as Head of the Church. No!. Instead, he occasionally retreated into employment for…
Read more Preaching in the End-Time of the Ages

WE PREACH HURTING WORDS OF GOD In a New Approach to Spiritual Understanding Never Tried Before We preach basically the Word of God by the Spirit and Power of Acts 2:17. We preach “about and the things” in the Kingdom of God (Matt 24:14). We preach generally for awareness only, only few unknown people believe. We…
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The Great Truths Compacted in “go to all nations” Never Known Before

Preaching generally, broad and wide, is what Matt 28:18-20 tells the disciples to apply as the first approach to deal with the unwary people. It is paralleled with Matt 13:47 about spreading the fish net on the waters unknowing about what comes out when pulled back. These Word and Phrase are Key to Understanding The word…
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Prophets of Old and Prophets of the End-Times

Prophets of old and Prophets of the End-Times have these stark differences. “But you, Daniel, keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase” (Dan 12:4). God looked beyond and saw what is actually today the technologies of…
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Is the Kingdom of God Here Now?

Under construction. Please visit again.   Biblical Reference   Credits: Free Photo/Image   EDITOR’S NOTE   All Articles continue to be refined for better understanding as we get closer to, and see clearer, the World of God coming! Please visit always.  Believe or just be aware, either brings joy, glory and salvation . . . forever!…
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Why God Uses Farming Analogies to Explain the Spiritual Truths?

God is emphasizing on farming and uses as analogy many major things, activities and experiences in agricultural production. In using these analogies, God is clearly obvious He was easing-out human efforts, first His servants, in their struggle (Luke 13:24) to grasp the otherwise impossible to fathom spiritual truths as they are brought to their salvation.…
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Why God Chooses People and Them Without Knowing?

Under Construction     EDITOR’S NOTE   All Articles continue to be refined for better understanding as we get closer to, and see clearer, the World of God coming! Please visit always.  Believe or just be aware, either brings joy, glory and salvation . . . forever!   MAJOR LINKS   Front PageAbout UsWriting StyleDwell with God,…
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How Do We Rule as Servants?

Sample This Post is under construction Biblical Reference “. . . Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must…
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