Author: vision gazer

View-Deck of the Wonderful New World to Come

666: The Remarkable Mark of the Beast

Link to Quick Truths 666: THE REMARKABLE MARK OF THE BEAST Are we nearing it, or just see the replica or just a type as a foretaste of the real one coming yet?   In Revelation 13:16-18 (NLT): “He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the…
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World Without Money, Business and Commerce; Without Military, Tourism and All Other Human Institutions: Mankind Being Direct to God!

“I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved” (Genesis 32:30, ASV). Prepare for this kind of world. Human governments not spared. Sovereignties consolidated into whole one World of God.  All Institutions, Man-Made All institutions, systems and processes; all philosophies, religions and beliefs as well as cultures traditions, ways, manners, practices, including…
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Why is Man So Important to God, What Constitutes the ABC Contingency Action Plans of God?

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?” (Psalms 8:4, ASV). Why did God sacrificed His Only Beloved Son for a tiny sinful man? The Great Plan of God reveals much about Who really is God. There are 3 Contingency Action Plans of God. Find…
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Is Believing in God Done By Mere Promptings of Man?

Does anybody would just come to believe God and he has faith right there and then? How to Believe God? The act of believing is initiated by God by way of inspiring or mental stimulation with the Holy Spirit He bestows upon people. The Bible call this process as “stirring” (Ezra 1:1, NLT). Therefore, unless God…
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The Kingdom of God: New Understanding

The Kingdom of God is Basically Characterized by Adjudicatory Leadership and Authority. It has only one branch of Government called Executive Department, no Judiciary Branch, No Legislative Branch. What is the Kingdom of God In Person? The Kingdom of God is a place for everyone in a home-like environment characterized by ultimate freedom where God…
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What the Heck Are We Doing in the Kingdom of God?

Or better ask: What is God doing with us in the millennial-thousand years of living? Now this: There are two fundamental activities: To eat and drink, and God teaches us spiritual realities (John 6:45). To many, its boring. To some, especially people immersed into materialism, its weird. But to the others, obviously the poor and…
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When Will God Come to Establish His Kingdom Reign on Earth?

“Then the LORD said to me, ‘Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will…
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What Humans Do In the New World When The Kingdom of God Reigns?

Definitely, we don’t look at the Face of God forever, as traditional beliefs teach us” To be continued . . .

Why Visiting Always This Site Is Ever Advantageous?

Girl in plane viewing planet, depicting the mind travelling toward the World of Truths, where understanding becomes clearer as the journey gets closer. This Planet represents the Wonderful World of God. Interestingly, the World of God is to be installed yet in this same Planet Earth but in their spiritual state beyond human comprehension. God…
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Now It’s Final, God Allows Sufferings: Is There A Purpose?

Why God Allows Sufferings? But is God really allowing sufferings? By all indications, this God of love, is definitely, allowing sufferings. It’s a Complex Issue Why God allows sufferings is an Age-Old Question and complicatedly explainable.  Now we can have the ultimate answer. How God Wisely Deal With Evils It’s a New Understanding! Evils are…
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