Author: vision gazer

View-Deck of the Wonderful New World to Come

Now Seriously, What Really Is The Purpose of Life?

To “become God.” Almost everyone on Earth don’t believe due to deception. Just this alone: Satan wants this Plan fail, tried with Eve, then Adam. WHY WERE WE BORN? To “become God.” Almost everyone on Earth don’t believe due to deception. Just this alone: Satan wants this Plan fail, tried with Eve, then Adam. To…
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BIBLE: Perfect But Not Complete, Why?

The Bible is Under Scrutiny But how could the Bible be so called incomplete when it is esteemed perfect and holy by millions? This could certainly be a new end-time understanding! “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in…
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If Christ Renews All Things, What Constitutes Renewal?

Basic Reference: “. . .Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne . . .” (Matthew 19:28, NIV). “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long…
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We Approach God Without Fear Because We Love Him

And we love Him come! Now We Can Face God! We don’t need to fear God. God is a Father to reckon with. But, honestly, why do we feel personally too distant from Him and empty of His presence? And why are we afraid of His silence and non-appearance? Wealth, Well-ness and Well-liked-ness Relationship with God…
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How Was Mary Made The Virgin Mother to Christ?

Mary, The Called Servant But Not Chosen What is Truth? What is Truth? What is Truth? What is Truth? Virgin Mary was a mere surrogate mother for the Lord Jesus Christ, with no blood line passed-on. She was never a mother as millions regarded her to be. Observe that Christ never called her “mother,” instead,…
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God’s Leadership Style

The Kingdom of God has a Government that is Adjudicatory in Form Find more hints in Isaiah 2:4 New Living TranslationThe LORD will mediate between nations and will settle international disputes … World English BibleHe will judge between the nations, and will decide concerning many peoples … To be continued . . .

Lands and Mansions for All Families, Absolutely Free

Mansion for Every Household “A house and a land for every family in all the world”   In the Kingdom of God, all families are set to their places before God launches His purpose for all Mankind by providing them houses that accommodate large number of occupants.   Houses Built and Given Free Worldwide “All…
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What makes different and why?

Link to Quick Truths What makes different? It is in here  “where God’s end-time truths are revealed in new approach to spiritual understanding never tried before, allowing vivid synoptic viewing of transcendent things and matters of God in a New World that soon comes to emerge in substantive reality before every naked eye that leave…
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War never Erupts between Nations!

“There are no signs that either side actually wants one,” in reference to the US and China heating up war. Now Yahoo News came to the right calculations offering sharp observation on the provocative movements of both the United States and China that can lead to heavy war, saying: “There are no signs that either…
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The Value of Freedom

What is freedom in relation to human salvation? How could we be servant to Christ? Freedom is all what it takes for humans to fulfill desires to last forever. It’s simple formula. BUT WHAT IS FREEDOM?Humans failed at the intended use of freedom. This is the product of complete world deception by the Devil, “the…
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