New End-Time Approach to Spiritual Understanding Never Realized Before

View-Deck of the Wonderful New World to Come

Why Christ Prophesied Against This Generation?

Be like the Bereans. The choice is yours. Image above customized as people discussing Paul’s claims like the Bereans did! TOO MUCH RELIANCE ON THEMSELVES Why Christ’s Prophecy in Matthew 12:41-42 Issued Against “This Generation?” “Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe” (Proverbs 28:26, NLT). During the…
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Now It’s Final, God Allows Sufferings: Is There A Purpose?

Why God Allows Sufferings? But is God really allowing sufferings? By all indications, this God of love, is definitely, allowing sufferings. It’s a Complex Issue Why God allows sufferings is an Age-Old Question and complicatedly explainable.  Now we can have the ultimate answer. How God Wisely Deal With Evils It’s a New Understanding! Evils are…
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Now Seriously, What Really Is The Purpose of Life?

To “become God.” Almost everyone on Earth don’t believe due to deception. Just this alone: Satan wants this Plan fail, tried with Eve, then Adam. WHY WERE WE BORN? To “become God.” Almost everyone on Earth don’t believe due to deception. Just this alone: Satan wants this Plan fail, tried with Eve, then Adam. To…
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BIBLE: Perfect But Not Complete, Why?

The Bible is Under Scrutiny But how could the Bible be so called incomplete when it is esteemed perfect and holy by millions? This could certainly be a new end-time understanding! “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in…
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If Christ Renews All Things, What Constitutes Renewal?

Basic Reference: “. . .Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne . . .” (Matthew 19:28, NIV). “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long…
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Appreciate Ideas as Knowledge Base, Even Without Believing

WHY? For those still searching for truths, see how significant embracing the ideas of others, regardless of believability, and not instantly throwing them away, but retain even just for the least purpose of awareness. They help, one way or the other, to finally settle and enable painting the whole picture of the matters and issues…
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Truths are Spiritual and Understood in the Spiritual Way

Truths are Spiritual! There are many unexplainable instances happening on Earth and humans explore them, study and come to conclusions and learn calling the discovery as truths. But with End-Time Understanding, real truths are eternal in their spiritual state which are gained by means of wisdom not by scientific and material means. It’s all through…
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We Approach God Without Fear Because We Love Him

And we love Him come! Now We Can Face God! We don’t need to fear God. God is a Father to reckon with. But, honestly, why do we feel personally too distant from Him and empty of His presence? And why are we afraid of His silence and non-appearance? Wealth, Well-ness and Well-liked-ness Relationship with God…
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What is Judgement that People Should not Fear, Now Clarified

Explore the New Spiritual Thoughts and Beliefs revolutionizing the old traditional Christian orientations practiced over the span of thousands of years! Spiritual judgment feared by many should not frighten Christians! After all, judgment is not a dreadful act of God in His mercy and love, contrary to today’s orientations. These are words dreaded in the…
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Should We Join God’s Church at Our Own Volition and Free Will?

God calls and chooses few people only. We don’t need to initiate action to join God’s Church, nor allowing any one to do it for you. That simply is out of context.  WHY MAJORITY CANNOT BELIEVE? It is a given fact that the whole humanity won’t believe the spiritual God. It is impossible to believe…
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