New End-Time Approach to Spiritual Understanding Never Realized Before

View-Deck of the Wonderful New World to Come

Households: A View of Kingdom Living

Sufficiency tends people to focus on God. Humanity shall literally be at rest!

Who are the Chosen Little Flock and Why Few Only?

The few people are the first humans to be saved by God first as necessity. God saves all humans but begins with few people whom He calls “little flock” (Luke 12:32). They are biblically the called-and-chosen ones (Matt 22:14). They are the Church (Matt 16:18). Behind the Lord Jesus Christ, they help serve in facilitating…
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The Great News

The only good news in this human world! If you find these claims hard to believe, just be aware (John 14:29). Brace for ever-new outrageously great news in a new approach to spiritual understanding never heard before but now in crystal clarity revealed in this End-Time of the Ages (Daniel 12:4) through the Site, the…
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How Was Mary Made The Virgin Mother to Christ?

Mary, The Called Servant But Not Chosen What is Truth? What is Truth? What is Truth? What is Truth? Virgin Mary was a mere surrogate mother for the Lord Jesus Christ, with no blood line passed-on. She was never a mother as millions regarded her to be. Observe that Christ never called her “mother,” instead,…
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Now Again: Who is God?

Link to Quick Truths Facing the Spiritual God at Last! Come! Let’s approach God, the Father “… let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of Jacob’s God. There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths” (Isaiah 2:3, NLT). Who is God? God is…
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Why Humans Fail?

  In Perspective Mankind turned away from God completely at 180° in opposite direction of life. So great these truths you only believe when it happens! But what is truth? Why Humans Fail? Why humans and with their leaders are failing to bring blissful living into the world despite the marvels of development? Let alone some…
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The Great Harvest Now Clarified

Should We Join God’s Church? If God calls and chooses few people only, what of the others, the majority? God’s Church is under covert mstatus or invisible. What of the Others? EDITOR’S NOTE   All Articles continue to be refined for better understanding as we get closer to and see clearer the World of God coming!…
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Why Called-Ones and Called&Chosen-Ones Differ in Tenure in God’s Service?

INTRODUCTION In what way are people called and subsequently chosen? And why are people called but not chosen? In a nutshell, the called-ones have shorter tenure in the service of God than the called-and-chosen-ones whose service lasts until the Vision of God (Rev 21:3) is attained. The popular called-and-chosen badge for the people of God…
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What is the Difference Between Preaching and Teaching?

Link to Quick Truths  |  Topics Never Known Before PREACHING IS NOT ABOUT CONVINCING Preaching and teaching are two different things. Preaching does not involve convincing the people to believe but to make them aware about God’s impending events! Teaching goes deeper. Preaching is the work of called-ones. But teaching points to the called-and-chosen-ones.  …
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God’s Leadership Style

The Kingdom of God has a Government that is Adjudicatory in Form Find more hints in Isaiah 2:4 New Living TranslationThe LORD will mediate between nations and will settle international disputes … World English BibleHe will judge between the nations, and will decide concerning many peoples … To be continued . . .


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