New End-Time Approach to Spiritual Understanding Never Realized Before

View-Deck of the Wonderful New World to Come

Why Truths Hurt and Falsities more Appealing?

Link to Quick Truths Why spiritual truth hurts and dull? Or is it really hurting? What makes spiritual truths dullish and boring while falsities more entertaining? In truth, Mankind turned away from God completely one hundred eighty degrees ◄180°► opposite direction of life in glaring reverse. In short, man is diametrically opposed to God. Who…
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The Coming New World is a Real World

Christ said that this world is not His world. If that is so, then He could have a different world, definitely, not this evil world. To be continued . . . How does God’s World comes, and where does it establish and start? Read soon >>> Will life in the coming New World be the…
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PHILIPPINES: Site of Christ’s Return and Headquarters of God’s Kingdom

Link to Quick Truth Why Philippines? Christ returns to earth in the same way He departed into the sky. There was no mention of specific location on earth upon which He returns. But with all reasonable indications, Christ “touch-down” on Philippine soils, not Israel! There are several reasons why Christ lands on Philippine soils when He…
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Words-Powered Life

Move on, Keep Going Lessons from Abraham’s Faith If you have something you cannot get, move on, keep going doing regular things properly. God hears all what are in your thoughts even without praying, even without shouting them to God. Your desires are all noted by God, alerted to prepare them when He comes. He…
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Life in the World of God

Now We Can Know Preaching the Kingdom of God has never been this massive, in-depth and extensive. On the platform of Matthew 24:14 that reads: “This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come,” preaching is not limited to the news about…
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