Who Are We . . .? What is this Site All About?
What makes Us Different? What Do We Do and Believe? Our new understanding and beliefs make us different.
We do not claim to be the chosen Church of God nor taking the form of religion – world’s way. But what is sure is that we are called to perform some of the many tasks in God’s Work, the “fact-ness’ of which can logically be sensed in all the Articles in this Site.
On This Spot Came New Understanding
At the commanding viewpoint over the particular panoramic spot came clear new truths never known before. They are practically new in all respect that revolutionize long-standing religious ideas and traditions.
These revelations are so immense. They are the last chunks of long-been-hidden spiritual truths (Colos 1:26) promised to be revealed generally “en mass” in the last days (Acts 2;17) into this world. This is now happening in this end-time of the Ages prophesied in Dan 12:4, 9, viewed over “particular standpoint.” It is now explicated in a way never been paralleled before. To many, these are strange, but to the few, the “little flock” (Luke 12:32, ESV) wherever they are, this is the one long been waited for.
Three Major Truths Revealed in These End-Times
1) The Most Important Thing in God’s Mind
The number one primary thing in the mind of God is the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, and no other else. The Kingdom of God is foremost and the only matter that occupies God’s mind (Matt 24:14), not the specific problems of this world which God warned His chosen people not to love (1 John 2:15) nor conform to (Romans 12:2).
2) God Does Not Interfere in Human Affairs
Coming next to the shock of many is the “non-interference” of God in the affairs of the people, except their “general direction.” God sees everything that humans do as vanity. In short, all humans are evil (Rom 3:23, 5:12), and all that humans do are useless, nothing. God appreciates not (Eccl 1:14). What is General Direction?
When God tells His few chosen people not to conform to this world (Rom 12:2) He likewise tells them to obey the authorities (Rom 13:1-6). However, loving this world is anathema to God (1 John 2:15). God’s people are warned to obey the authorities and laws of this world but not to love this world. Who are God’s people?
3) God Does Not Answer Prayers
God does not answer prayers of people, for how could God answers prayers for what He is not in conformity with. This is an evil world. Why would He help us living in an evil world we chose to live (Gen 3)?
How can God provide our needs living in a world He does not love? Would He contribute to the enhancements of our evil ways by empowering us when our specific needs are provided, unless, of course, when it happens to have relevance to His Work? But do we know what exactly is His Work and what strategy does He applies? We cannot know because we have wrong orientations living in the wrong place, wrong platform, trekking wrong direction.
God does not provide our needs. Hence, stop praying for your needs. He does not hear. Not even thanking Him when we succeed. It amounts to insulting Him. He does not appreciate our successes in this wrong world called evil world. Christ was very clear when He said His Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). Having said that, what is He concerned of with the world not His?
God is love that, although He is not mindful on our daily concerns, He did not leave us totally bare by giving us our “provision” in our journey away from Him to foolishly prove we are right. It is called “Nature” symbolized by sun and rain given to both good and evil people (Matthew 5:45). Beyond that, we don’t expect more from God. With that “arrangement,” we are expected to harness nature to move-on in life, encountering what is right and wrong, good and evil which we chose to learn ourselves (Gen 2:17). And so, in this world, we succeed and we fail. We succeed because we strive for it, coupled by good luck. We fail because we just had not utilized “nature” properly, coupled by bad luck.
Find out here >>> Why Prayer of Paul not Granted by God
Preaching Eventually Ends This World: Seen farther from viewing over that panoramic spot appears the Kingdom to be the only hope for Mankind and preaching the good news eventually ends this evil world, every works of man especially his systems, practices and ways developed over the years, as God says so:
And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come (Matt 24:14).
The Kingdom is an overwhelming Good News from God (Luke 4:43). In accordance with God’s command in Matthew 24:14, we preach the Kingdom, as inspired to do, using approaches never been applied nor known before. Despite critical importance to humanity, however, God decided His Kingdom come in the right time and after going through strategic stages. This only shows God does not put pressure on Mankind by moving in softest way gradually.
Along that line, we don’t engage strenuously or we could fall into the trap of pride (Jer 9:23-24). We refrain from frantic behaviors, pushing on, rushing up, which is common to people overacting upon experiencing enlightenment.
As we move only by inspiration, we tend to be controlled from overdoing that would preempt God’s designed movements, like what happened in Luke 9:53-55. We wait for God’s go signal even if it takes years before the next move (2 Peter 3:8). God is advancing in various forms and ways and we are not alone in this spiritual endeavor.
NOT INVOLVED: Humans Not To Meddle in Planning
As Project to reckon with to fulfill Vision (Rev 21:3), God uses strategies, steps and procedures down the line, assigning tasks according to gifts and circumstances (1 Cor 12:4) but without humans to meddle around in planning (Eph 2:8-9), not even asking details (Dan. As to how that works, we do not know the specifics.
Interestingly, other groups are watering “the seeds” and God takes care of growths (1 Cor 3:6). God raises others to work on this endeavor from various races, nations and languages (1 Cor 12:3-11), likewise, watching His hands giving instructions through inspiration, and so, they readily serve Him (John 5:30, John 8:28, John 12:49, John 14:31).
WORK OF PROPHECY: What to Expect
The foregoing facts are the foundations of our beliefs and that aside from preaching the Kingdom coming, we indispensably preach about what to expect in that Kingdom when it is reigned-over by Christ as Chief Executive.
These are future spiritual realities proclaimed in advance basically to prepare the people to act properly when they see things preached fulfilling and strange and unfamiliar situations and lifestyles coming true as prophesied.
PROPHECY: An Act of God’s Love
Having made aware about these incoming upheavals, the people shall avoid being caught off-guard and suffer intensely in Hell. By these prophecies about future which, expectedly, only few believe and the rest made aware of, people are given chance with readiness for proper action when all are fulfilling before their very eyes, and so, able to look for “graceful exits,” curbing the heat of Hell. What is Hell? More soon in this Site.
WE ARE NOT CHURCH: Serving Without Church
This Site is engaged in spiritual work but not Church nor taking the form of religion. We are in the belief that we can do God’s Work without the benefit of Church. What is Church?
We are not disposed on endorsing any human church, religious denomination or spiritual organization of this world. This Site is practically an all-prophecy work about the Kingdom of God coming portraying what basic life would be for the humanity when the Kingdom operates under the Leadership of Christ. Just what is Kingdom of God?
To be continued . . .
All Articles continue to be refined for better understanding as we get closer to and see clearer the World of God coming! Please visit always. Believe or just be aware. Either way brings joy, glory and salvation . . . forever!
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Dwell with God, at Last
This is the Church
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Quick Truth Link
Philippines: the Site of Christ’s Return and Seat of God’s Kingdom
What makes asureta.com different?
• Unbelievable? Solution!
• Why we write this way?
• Why all Posts to be continued?
• Why Truth Hurts?
The Man of Isaiah 53
“ . . . . hath no form nor comeliness; and when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He was despised, and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and as one from whom men hide their face he was despised; and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:2-5, ASV). Emphasis supplied.
“when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him!”

“. . . a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and as one from whom men hide their face he was despised; and we esteemed him not.”
HOW NEARLY CHRIST LOOKED LIKE: Be ready, be familiar. There are two Christs to reckon with!
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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