God’s World: A World of Farming and Learning

WAR ARMAMENTS TURNED FARM IMPLEMENTS! Assuredly, this is not religion. If hard-up proving, just be aware, let alone believing. To many, it’s boring, but to the few unidentifiable ones, it’s something.
Farming: Human Main Task Abandoned
In the Kingdom of God, every human, yes, every one, big and small, shall engage in agricultural pursuits in actual personal experience and responsibility . . . hands on. Why? More on this soon >>>.
Money, Productivity and Sufficiency
Every human shall be ensured of life sufficiency, adequacy and satisfaction, independent, without need for other people to give. Monies, which today are much craved on and the means of possessing things quickly and conveniently, shall be a thing of the past. If we are sufficient, what else do we need money for? Hence, money does not exist in the Kingdom of God.
Basically, people are empowered to produce their own. God literally provides tools and equipment, including the technical know-hows, all free of charge. Just knock and it shall be given (Matthew 7:7).
Lands Absolutely Free to Own
Don’t worry about lands, God provides (Genesis 22:14) very large tract of lands to be given to each and every family. It’s absolutely free and tax-free! All families produce everything they need in life, all for consumption purposes, not intended for sale. They don’t need to buy from or sell to others.
Concerns on Weather
Worry-not. Rain and shine shall come in their proper times
“I will send you the seasonal rains. The land will then yield its crops, and the trees of the field will produce their fruit” (Leviticus 26:4, NLT).
No calamity, no irrigation, no dam, no fertilizer.
“Ask the LORD for rain in the spring, for he makes the storm clouds. And he will send showers of rain so every field becomes a lush pasture” (Zechariah 10:1, NLT).
The environments are supportive, safe and caring.
Tools and materials needed for farming and manufacturing foods and other products needed by families are distributed to individual households including farm equipment and manufacturing machines. God shall dramatically order all war armaments be melted to form and converted into farm implements, manufacturing equipment and other tools and materials used to produce beneficial products.
“The LORD will mediate between nations and will settle international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore” (Isaiah 2:4, NLT).
People produce what fits their personal needs daily. In contrast today where people just accept and buy whatever is available, sold by others, made to believe it is needed.
Generally, manufacturers determine the outcome of human life. How? By their products produced for gain, and most often regardless on the effects to the body and soul of the buyer. In a sense, there shall be no mass production for others to buy. At this juncture, there shall be no business establishments in the Kingdom of God.
How do God Produces What He Gives to Families? More on this soon >>>
Why is Farming So Important to God?
Basically, farming teaches humility and submission. it is these traits that are primary every human needs to develop before having any dealing with God. Pride is the opposite of humility, which trait brought Lucifer down to the bottom most (Isaiah 14:12).
Farming brings us bowing low to the ground, reminding us always of that which we were taken from, the dust of the ground. More soon on this >>>
Families Together
Families stay together and never apart. Husbands and wives, children, servants and their workers, are all members of the household staying together in utmost joy and peace. Read more >>>
But each household are distantly established over the expanses of the Earth. In short, households are built far apart from each other in a form of sovereignty. no regular intermingling among families on daily, or so, basis. Once, or twice, households convoke in one place feasting.
What is God Doing With Us?
During the millennial length of the Reign of the Kingdom, what is God doing with us?
God teaches us Personally one-on-one about spiritual truths towards achieving the purpose for which we were born, for which He created us:
“It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God’” (John 6:45, NLT).
This actually is the main event in all humans matters missed for so long since Adam and Eve. Anything that is not attuned to God’s affairs are futile or useless, as witnessed by King Solomon (Ecclesiastes 1:14).
God ensures first that we are adequately provided with daily needs, thus, enabling people with ample time concentrating learning from God Who is teaching us toward the end of attaining His Vision. To review, the Vision of God is us becoming ultimately like Himself through salvation and upon whom He dwells spiritually forever. Read it here >>>
Today, what are we doing?
For the poor, we are so engrossed on survival, sustenance and security without quality time for God nor focus on His Plans. For the rich, so engrossed how to build empire which, unfortunately, a once richest King Solomon concluded all are vanity (Ecclesiastes 1:14).
What was the basic purpose of God with King Solomon? More soon on this >>>
Philippines First
It would be a revolutionized system of human living applied worldwide, with Philippines as first. Why Philippines? Read more >>>
Credits: Free Photo/Image
- Tractor, David Mark from Pixabay;
- Plane, George Forward from Pixabay; and,
- Tank, Michael Drummond from Pixabay.
To be continued . . .