For Being Created Humans, this Alone is Enough to Prod us to Say “Thank You Lord!”

God procreates Himself through humans!
• Unbelievable? Solution! • Why we write this way? • Why all Posts to be continued? • Why Truth Hurts?
Humans, as we are, are just products of formation from the ground that may return to the original state as regular ground elements.
“Remember that you made me from dust — will you turn me back to dust so soon?” (Job 10:9, NLT). “And yet, O LORD, you are our Father . . .” (Isaiah 64:8, NLT).
Interestingly, at the very time of creation, God blew into our nostrils an extraordinary air called human spirit that would be our tag as special products of pottery peculiar from other created species.
God procreates Himself through humans. Even from our being humans in substance, we have the potential to go higher into becoming like the Creator Himself in all aspects, not as duplicates but as original as God Himself: “. . . Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! . . .” (John 14:19, NLT).
“Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us . . .’” (Genesis 1:26, NLT).
Hence, the purpose of all these works of God is to make humans ultimately become God like Himself in all exactness. However, that takes spiritual processes. That shall be the Work of Lord Jesus in His coming Kingdom of God.
“Jesus came and told his disciples, ‘I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth’” (Matthew 28:18, NLT).
Christ is the Chief Executive executing all authorities toward the attainment of the Vision of God stated in Revelation 21.3. We can read also Daniel 7:13-14 and Philippians 2:5-11.
Is God answering prayers? | Had God really gave you what you prayed for?
To be continued . . .
Photo Credits, Free Images:
A CGI reconstruction of what Jesus could have looked like from r/interestingasfuck
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