Had God Really Given You What You Prayed For?

Are prayers producing results? The bottom line is, God is not giving worldly things we pray for because they are all naturally characterized as out of wrong motives.
What Only Prayer God Truly Delights On?
God laments, “never did I hear people pray ‘God come,’ but rather ‘God bless me/us,’ wanting material blessings of this world more than my personal presence dwelling with them“
Christ Nonetheless Will Come
Regardless of people in welcome mood, Christ, the Lord Jesus, nonetheless shall come in great power and force saying in advance:
“Look, I am coming soon . . .” (Revelation 22:12, NLT).
But “. . . when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8, WEB).
Had God Really Gave You What You Prayed For?
“When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures” (James 4:3, NIV).
But You Say You Received What You Prayed For?
Think back, you got what you prayed for because you labored for it since you followed strictly nature’s scientific protocols, and good luck favored it, not from God!
Read also: Why God wont answer prayers
For example, we aim for something. We studied it, gained skills about it by training, behave in humility and compliance, pursued it, then we got it.
In all those journey from beginning to end, good luck was all along with us until we received what you aimed for.
Have we ever prayed that God comes?
The bottom line is, God is not giving worldly things we pray for, all characterized as wrong motives (James 4:3, NIV). Have we ever prayed, rather, for God to come quick?
What We Failed To do, God Finish It
“”Behold, I come quickly . . .” (Revelation 22:12, WEB).
Is God answering prayers? | Had God really gave you what you prayed for?
To be continued . . .
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