Why Christ Prophesied Against This Generation?

Be like the Bereans. The choice is yours. Image above customized as people discussing Paul’s claims like the Bereans did!
Why Christ’s Prophecy in Matthew 12:41-42 Issued Against “This Generation?” “Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe” (Proverbs 28:26, NLT).
During the first coming of Christ on Earth, He was engaged several times with many people. In one of these encounters, He prophesied what the people of Nineveh and the Queen of Sheba shall do on the “Day of Judgment.”
They shall condemn the Jewish people who lived in these biblical times, particularly the teachers of religious law and Pharisees who He referred to as “this generation” (Matthew 12:41-42). But why? Read on.
Surprisingly, despite the Ninevites and the Queen of Sheba to be coming from different times, respectively dead prior them, how could they be so allowed to condemn given that they are not Jewish in the first place? They were Gentiles!
The Bible has much to explain. More soon on this. Meanwhile, visit this Post. And what is judgment and condemnation? Read more >>>.
Total Disregard of Prophecy In Active Fulfillment

Angry Jewish Mob
In His first coming herein referred to as biblical times, the generations of Jewish people, ironically led by the learned spiritual leaders and teachers of law, except one, were not giving any value to messages despite the wisdom carried in them.
They were too much believing themselves to consider Christ, the Messenger, as relevant. In other words, they totally disregard the prophecy fulfilling in their times the people before them were struggling to figure-out.
Bedrock of Clue
It was such paradox for such people to oppose Christ considering that they were devotees of the comparatively inferior personalities like Prophet Jonah and King Solomon who actually were supposed to be the bedrock of clue. They were raised beforehand by God to set the scene of Christ’s coming as the Messiah and Savior of humanity, just like many Prophets of the pasts whose messages moved people.
Failing to Give the Benefit of the Doubt
Interestingly, all of them were waiting for the Messiah, but the Jews did not realize that, in their blinding stubbornness, the Messiah was already right there standing in front of them. Their lost opportunity was their failure to “give the benefit of the doubt.”
Meanwhile, Some Countering-Issues Cropping-up
- Could the actions of the leaders inspired, such that God’s Mission for Christ on Earth fulfills? Read more soon.
- Likewise, was Judas, the Iscariot, made part of God’s Plan? Read more soon.
- Was Lucifer, later named Satan, contributed to fulfill God’s Vision? Read more soon.
A Brief Preview of the Day of Resurrection
Christ’s prophesy fulfills in the Kingdom Time. In the time of reckoning in the Reign of Christ at His Second Coming on the “Day of Judgment” right after the resurrection shall be a tremendous experience. All the dead from the beginning of times are raised into life of total consciousness and recognition.
These people shall be in utter bewilderment on the impressive things built surrounding them, the wonderful World of God ruled and restored by His Son Jesus.
Is Resurrection Equivalent to “Born Again?”
Consider that these people are from all walks of life, from different times, culture, background, etc. Generally, for some, they think of “heaven” into which they were literally awakened into. Many of these peoples who died hopeful of heaven assume their wishes were fulfilled.
In the second round of events after resurrection, in the following days, weeks or months, when they gained their composures and adopt situations of the New World, the people start reviewing their pasts trying to connect and start thinking new. Are they not experiencing being “Born-Again?” Read more soon.
- What kind of world dead people are raised into at resurrection day? Read more soon.
- What is heaven? More soon on this. Meanwhile, visit this Post.
Now this: Reactions of People Back to Life
The Jewish teachers and Pharisees as well as the Ninevites and the Queen of Sheba all meet together personally and definitely make acquaintance. As they try to connect events between gaps, they learn from each other. Now look!
Recall that Christ prophetically portrayed the situation where interactions of resurrected people end up into ordeal of hell among those who refused to give premium to Christ’s messages during His first coming, as written in Matthew 12:41-42.
41“The people of Nineveh will stand up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, for they repented of their sins at the preaching of Jonah. Now someone greater than Jonah is here—but you refuse to repent.”
42“The queen of Sheba (*) will also stand up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, for she came from a distant land to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Now someone greater than Solomon is here—but you refuse to listen” (**).
(*) The Queen of the South; | (**) Matthew 12:41-42, New Living Translation. (Emphasis ours) -asureta.com.
- But what is hell? Read more soon.
- How could the Ninevites and the Queen of Sheba condemn these subject people on judgment day? Read more soon.
- What is Judgment and condemnation? Read more here.
Lesson from the Bereans

People customized as verifying the claims they heard like the Bereans
So much negating most of the Jewish people were that they just trashed Christ out quickly and conveniently, without reserve. They acted without giving any “benefit of the doubt,” as the saying goes, unlike what the Bereans did in Acts 17:11. click this.
“And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth” (Acts 17:11, NLT).
The Choice is Yours
This Site explains spiritual things of God from the point of view of God Himself. The choice is yours!
Credits: Free Photo/Image
- Discussion, Joseph Mucira from Pixabay
- Jewish, CCXpistiavos from Pixabay
- Discussion, Free-Photos from Pixabay
To be continued . . .
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