World Without Money, Business and Commerce; Without Military, Tourism and All Other Human Institutions: Mankind Being Direct to God!
“I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved” (Genesis 32:30, ASV). Prepare for this kind of world. Human governments not spared. Sovereignties consolidated into whole one World of God.
All Institutions, Man-Made
All institutions, systems and processes; all philosophies, religions and beliefs as well as cultures traditions, ways, manners, practices, including fads and trends, ARE MAN-MADE. They don’t have bearings with God.
In other words, all that we see, feel and experience happening in this world are outcomes that evolved out from the outputs of human workings without connections, whatsoever, with God.
The Faulty Human System
Facilities and institutions including human governments and all other institutions emanating therefrom are concepts of human ingenuity. Noted for these are the ancient Egyptians. Concepts adopted for economy, money and even the very government that manages people and sovereignty, all are systems that evolved out from human-dealings with nature without God.
180 Degrees Away From God
Man has gone far away from God “at farthest distance” at 180 degrees in reverse, carrying along behaviors, noted most are greed – the never ending desire for more over and above normal need – and the love of money, which according the the Bible verse in 1Timothy:
“For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows” (1Timothy 6:10, NLT).
Let’s face it honestly this truth:
“Money is the primary thing man thinks of daily!”
Interestingly, things appear to be successes and enjoyed for longer. But have we ever wondered why “whatever goes up goes down?” Birth alone ends up in death. But are there people who will never experience physical death? More on this soon >>>
Anyway, could we go up without going down? More on this soon >>>
Nations and Humans Rise and Fall
Have we ever appreciated the biblical passage that “one day to God is a thousand years to man?” And that “there is a way that seems right but the end is destruction?”
An so the popular saying: “the Glory that was Greece,” and the Grandeur that was Rome.”
Good News
The Good news, however, comes to all Mankind. Christ is coming to restore everything to their original state without leaving marks of the pasts.
Is God answering prayers? | Had God really gave you what you prayed for?
To be continued . . .
Photo Credits, Free Images:
- to follow
A CGI reconstruction of what Jesus could have looked like from r/interestingasfuck
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